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The Tamil Nadu Online Gaming Authority shall perform the following functions, namely:-

1. Regulate online games,

2. Issue certificate of registration to local online games providers,

3. Identify online games of chance and recommend to the Government, for inclusion in the Schedule,

4. Oversee the functioning of the online games providers in the State,

5. Collect and maintain information and data with regard to the activities of the online games providers,

6. Request the Government to take appropriate action as per the Information Technology Act, 2000, whenever deemed necessary, for the purposes of this Act,

7. Resolve grievances or complaints received against any online games provider,

8. Send periodical reports to the Government in such manner as may be prescribed,

9. Advise the Government on any matter regarding online gaming,

10. Perform such other functions as may be prescribed: and

11. The Authority, or any officer empowered by it may take such steps as may be necessary to obtain any information from any online games provider or online game player.

12. The Authority shall, while discharging any of its functions under this Act, have the same powers as are vested in a Civil Court while trying a suit under the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, in respect of the following matters, namely: - Central Act V of 1908:-

a. Summoning and enforcing the attendance of any person

b. Receiving oral evidence on oath or written evidence on affidavits

c. Requiring the discovery and production of any document

d. Requisitioning of any public record or copy thereof from any court or office

e. Issuing summons for examination of witnesses or documents and if any other matter, which may be prescribed

13. The Authority would strive to create awareness about the ill effects of online gaming, especially among children, adolescents, and youth.