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Why we are?



Why we are?

Subsequent to the enactment of the Tamil Nadu Prohibition of Online Gambling and Regulation of Online Games Act, 2022, the Tamil Nadu Government have set up an Online Gaming Authority. As per the Official Gazette, the Governor has formed “The Tamil Nadu Online Gaming Authority” under section 3 of the Tamil Nadu Online Gambling and Regulation of Online Games Act, 2022.

The functions of the Authority are regulatory in nature. The Authority is mandated to issue certificate of registration to local online games providers. The Authority is also to identify online games of chance and recommend to the Government, for inclusion in the Schedule for banning. Apart from issuing certificate of registration, the Authority have to oversee the functioning of the online games providers in the State. Further the Authority is also mandated to collect and maintain information and data with regard to the activities of the online games providers, resolve grievances or complaints received against any online games providers and advise the Government on any matter regarding online gaming.



About Us

Background of the Act and creation of Tamilnadu Online Gaming Authority

The Government of Tamil Nadu has been concerned with the increase in online gaming addiction in recent years, which has led to many people incurring unsustainable debt. Besides, Online Gaming being highly addictive has led to several mental health issues especially among the youngsters. The overall ill effects of Online gaming has led to a number of suicides in Tamil Nadu. Given this rising concern, coupled with the exponential growth of this sector, the Tamil Nadu Government constituted a five-member committee led by former Justice K.Chandru (Justice Chandru Committee) to assess the adverse effects of online gaming with stakes and advise on the possibility of introducing a new law to regulate online gambling.

Based on the recommendations of the above Committee, the Tamil Nadu Government enacted the Tamil Nadu Prohibition of Online Gambling and Regulation of Online Games Act, 2022. The Tamil Nadu Online Gaming Authority has been created in consonance with the provisions of the Tamil Nadu Prohibition of Online Gambling and Regulation of Online Games Act, 2022. Tamil Nadu Online Gaming Authority’s mandate is to ensure that all the Online Games are properly regulated. The Authority may also advise the State Government on matters pertaining to Online Gaming. The Tamil Nadu Online Gaming Authority has powers as are vested in a civil court and can demand any information as deemed necessary from online game providers.


What we do?

What we do?


The authority will authorize online games by issuing a certificate of registration to online game providers


The Authority may provide regulations concerning the time limit, monetary limit, age restriction, or other restrictions regarding playing online games.


The authority will collect and maintain information and data regarding the activities of online game providers


The Authority would strive to create awareness about the ill effects of online gaming, especially among children, adolescents, and youth



The authority was formed as per section 3 of the Act.
The gaming authority comprises five members


Thiru. Md. Nasimuddin, I.A.S.,(Retd.)


Dr. M.C. Sarangan, I.P.S.,(Retd.)

Part Time Member

Dr. C. Chellappan, Retd.Professor

Part Time Member

Dr. O.S.Ravindran, Retd. Clinical Psychologist

Part Time Member

Thiru. Vijay Karunakaran, Founder & CEO, InGage Group